Oct 17, 2016
Greetings Fans. We have updated our Galleries page with AkibaFest 2016 photos uploaded. Please feel free to head over to view our photos.
Aug 28, 2016
Greetings Fans, it has been awhile since we last made a post, we have been very busy with various updates behind the scenes and performing various photoshoots outside of convention times.
We've updated our galleries with several conventions and a schedule change. We will not be able to attend DragonCon this year as due circumstances beyond our control. However we are happy to announce our final convention for the remaining of the 2016 season will end with Rhode Island Comic Con in Providence, RI. We look forward to returning to New England for our final convention and look forward to this event!
We will have more announcements coming up soon in regards to our 2017 schedule so stay tuned!
May 24, 2016
Greetings and thank you for your patience as we have been taking a small break this past year with coverage. We're happy to provide our first coverage of the year with Anime Central 2016!
Jan. 4, 2016
Happy New Years fans! We've released our new 2016 Schedule! Please note schedule is subject to change throughout the year to check here for updates or on our Facebook page!
Dec. 7, 2015
We're happy to announce our coverage from Playstation Experience 2015 has been uploaded and now concludes our convention season of 2015!
Thank you fans for another wonderful year and we look forward to our 2016 schedule to be released soon!
Sept. 27, 2015
Greetings! We have just posted photos from our coverage of KrakenCon Fall 2015 photos! Videos will be posted shortly once they have been rendered!
Sept. 9, 2015
DragonCon 2015 photos have been posted here on our website. Head over to our galleries page to see our photos from this past weekend. Videos from DragonCon are currently being uploaded onto our YouTube page!
Aug. 30, 2015
We have returned from Anime California 2015 and have just finished uploading our photos! Please visit our Galleries section of our website to see our photo coverage. If we have taken your photo, please feel free to contact us to retrieve your original photos.
July 30, 2015
We now have a Tumblr account, follow us at http://teammisaki.tumblr.com/ or by clicking the follow button on the bottom of our page. We've added our Tumblr page on our links page.
July 27, 2015
Greetings Fans!
We are back with more coverage added! We've added the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup Final Match in Vancouver, BC Canada between the USA & Japan. We've also just uploaded our coverage of Otakon 2015.
You can catch the game match photos in our Sports section and our Otakon coverage in our Galleries section.
Our next convention coming up will be Anime California in Anaheim, CA.
See you there!
May 25, 2015
We have returned from FanimeCon 2015 and have completed our photo coverage! Please head over to our Galleries page for photographs from FanimeCon. If you've had your photo taken by us please send us an e-mail for an original copy without our watermark.
Thank you!
May 19, 2015
Greetings fans! We have uploaded our photos from Anime Central 2015! Please head over to our Galleries sections. Our videos will be uploaded within the next 2 days.
Thank you Anime Central for a wonderful convention! We will return to ACEN every year from this day forward!
Apr. 27, 2015
Greetings fans! We've uploaded Star Wars Celebration Anaheim 2015 & Krakencon 2015 photo coverage on our Galleries page. Also we are slowly uploading our video coverage from Celebration and will be on our YouTube page as soon as they are made avaliable.
Apr. 13, 2015
We've uploaded all videos from Anime Boston and our coverage of the San Francisco Giants Opening Day Game against the Colorado Rockies.
Apr. 7, 2015
Greetings fans! We are happy to report our photos from Anime Boston are up! Head over to our Galleries page for our photo coverage.
We will be releasing our Anime Boston videos in the coming week so stay tuned for updates either here or on our facebook page!
Mar. 1, 2015
We've uploaded our final video from Katsucon 2015! Our Katsucon 2015 Music Video Coverage is now ready for your viewing pleasure.
Head over to the videos section of our website to see our video!
Thank you for your patience and to all the cosplayers whom participated in this video.
Feb. 22, 2015
We've uploaded 4 videos from our Katsucon 2015 coverage. Please note the Music Video coverage is not yet completed, we are still currently working on it as we speak.
Check back here or on our Facebook page for more updates as we continue posting Katsucon 2015 coverage.
In the meantime head over to our Videos section to see our videos!
Feb. 16, 2015
We have returned from our trip to Washington D.C. for Katsucon 2015. Our photo coverage has been posted! Head over to our Gallery page and scroll down to Katsucon 2015. If this is your first time visiting our website and you had your photo taken at Katsucon. Welcome to our website and thank you for posing for us. For those who took part in our video coverage, as it was mentioned, the video will be ready in approximately 2 weeks!
Check back here or on our Facebook page for updates!
Thanks you for a wonderful time Katsucon Staff! We look forward to coming back to your show in the near future!
Feb. 1, 2015
We're happy to report our photo coverage from AOD 2015 has been uploaded onto our website!
Feel free to head over to our Gallery page and scroll down to AOD and click on the 2015 gallery link.
We'll be havining our report uploaded as soon as possible along with our reports from SacAnime and Anime Los Angeles.
Jan. 21, 2015
We're happy to report all video coverage from Anime Los Angeles 2015 has been posted!
Feel free to head to our Videos section of our website to see all the videos we have recorded.
Jan. 13,2015
We are happy to announce videos from SacAnime has been posted, our report is currently being edited for the convention and will be posted shortly.
We're also happy to announce a new member to our group! Our new editor Angela will be editing all reports prior to their release after all conventions we attend. She is also a Cosplayer from the Midwest best by her cosplay name Bright Eyes Cosplay. We wish Angela the best of luck in our group and the first out of state member of our group.
For those of you whom are visiting out website for the first time from ALA, thank you for visiting, we're happy to announce our photo coverage of ALA 2015 is now live for your viewing pleasure. Please head over to our Galleries page and scroll down to Anime Los Angeles and click on the 2015 link to see our photos! Videos will be posted as soon as they are done.
Jan. 12, 2015
We have returned from Anime Los Angeles 2015 at their final time at the LAX Marriott in Los Angeles, CA. We look forward to returning to this convention in 2016 at their new location at the Ontario Convention Center!
In the meantime our photos are being uploaded at this present time, check our Facebook check for an update link once our photos go live!
Videos from ALA will be posted as soon as they are encoded and uploaded onto our YouTube page.
Jan. 7, 2015
We have just uploaded a special video from the cast of Sailor Moon of both the 1990's Dub & New Viz Dub Cast Members. Head over to our Videos page or our YouTube page to see what they have to say!
Our SacAnime report will be posted soon, please stand by for our report.
Jan. 1, 2015
Happy New Years from Team Misaki!
Let the new year of conventions begin!
Dec. 17, 2014
We're happy to report our overhaul for our website has been completed. Instead of awaitng for New Years to release the new update. We've decided to release it early for you to enjoy.
We've merged our Galleries, Videos, and our new Reports section in the "Convention Coverage" Dropdown Menu.
Our Gallery Viewer will be released upon completion of our first coverage.
Thank you for reading!
Dec. 14, 2014
Greetings fans, we've been making changes to our Gallery Viewing pages for all future conventions. Instead of taking you to a whole new page, a in-page pop up will appear allowing easier access to stay on the main gallery page while viewing individual photos.
Also, we will releasing a new video on Christmas Day. What will this video be about? We'll announce here and on our Facebook page!
Dec. 9, 2014
We've just added a new Videos section of our website. In this page you can view our videos posted courtesy of YouTube. These include, interviews, convention coverage, mini music videos, and many more to come.
We hope you enjoy this new feature!
Dec. 7. 2014
Happy Holidays from Team Misaki Studios! We're happy to release our 2015 schedule for our convention coverages! We hope to see everyone at these conventions! We're also happy to report we will be making changes to our website design beginning next year! We hope you'll enjoy our new design and we would like to thank everyone for the 10 years of coverage! We look forward to covering many conventions in the future!
Happy Holidays!!!
Nov. 12, 2014
We apologize for the lack of updates from our website here, however we a huge announcement to make!We have just launched our brand new YouTube page with our first video coverage preview of our travel to the United States Pump Festival 2014 in Los Angeles, CA. during Pacific Media Expo!
Feel free to add our YouTube page to your subscription page for more video coverage of our travels!
Further more we will also release our schedule for next year's convention coverage!
Stay tuned!
Aug. 27, 2014
We have just uploaded our latest coverage from the San Francisco Giants taking on the Colorado Rockies that took place on Aug. 26, 2014!
We've also added SNAFU Con in Reno, NV as our upcoming convention!
Aug. 18, 2014
It has been a quiet summer for us here at Team Misaki Studios' but we're happy to make the following announcements!
We've updated our Gallery from Ani-Jam 2014 in Fresno, CA.
We've also updated our Sports page to include coverage from Levi's Stadium Inaugural Game with the San Francisco 49ers!
Our final announcement, we will no longer be attending Anime California & YoumaCon. However our attendance for Pacific Media Expo is still a go!
Thank you!
Jun. 3, 2014
We are sorry to announce, we will not be attending Dragon*Con this year due to unforeseen financial hardships beyond our control.
We apologize for this unexpected term of events.
May. 29, 2014
Another year of FanimeCon has come and go. Where does the time fly? To fast that's for sure!
We're happy to report our coverage from FanimeCon 2014 is now live!Click on the Gallery link above and scroll down to FanimeCon 2014!
Apr. 28, 2014
Sweet Home Chicago!! We're happy to report our coverage from Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2) are now live and ready for your viewing!
Please click on the Gallery link above and scroll down to the C2E2 link!
Our next announcement, we are proud to inform our fans from the Midwest we will be attending YoumaCon in Detroit, MI. for we are no longer attending New York Comic-Con and Rose City Comic-Con. We look forward to meeting new fans in the Motor City!
Mar. 28, 2014
Our first Baseball Coverage of the 2014 season has been posted on our Sports page! Check out the Giants take on the Oakland Atheltics!
Mar. 27, 2014
We are happy to report our Anime Boston 2014 coverage has been uploaded and is ready for viewing!
Please head over to our Gallery page to see our coverage!
Feb. 19, 2014
We have updated our Schedule page to reflect 2 additional conventions added. Rose City Comic Con has become our tentative fallback convention in the event our trip to DragonCon is a no go.
We've added Anime California, a new convention taking place in Orange County California taking place in August.
Check our Schedule page for more information on these 2 conventions!
Jan. 27, 2014
We've updated our Schedule page to reflect our recent announcement in regards to San Diego Comic-Con 2014.We will be unable to attend due to time constraints in order to travel to future conventions in the long run.
We apologize for this cancellation but we do hope to attend Comic-Con in the near future!
Jan. 26, 2014
We apologize for the delay with our coverage from Anime Los Angeles.
We are happy to report our photographs are live for viewing!
Head to our Galleries page and scroll down to Anime Los Angeles for our 2014 coverage!
We'll see you guys in Boston as our next convention is Anime Boston!
Jan. 6, 2014
Welcome to the "All New" Team Misaki Studios website!
We are dedicated to bringing you convention coverage from various anime, sci-fi, comic book, & sporting events!
In honor of our relaunch and a special 10 year anniversary here at Team Misaki, we will be having a "Like & Share a Post" contest on our Facebook page. The prize we are giving away?
One lucky person will be granted a free badge to FanimeCon on us in honor of our anniversary and relaunch of our website!Head over to our Facebook page for more information in regards to this contest for more details!